Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Hello! ♥

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cute pixel photo:  tumblr_lj3zcfKCuW1qcfn0j.gifHi guys! I'm basically just going to introduce myself in this first blog post just so you know a little bit about me, and the stuff I want to share with you! I really don't have a particular theme set for this blog... I'm kind of just going to wing it, and write about all sorts of stuff that have to do with me. Which totally means that if anything interesting happens, you guys will know. Without further adooooo, heres a little bit about moi!

My name's Maria and I live in South Texas! It's hot here year round, which isn't the most pleasant thing ever, but I love it here nonetheless. I'm 17 but I have the mentality of a 9 year old. By that I mean, that I just adore cute things. I love cartoons and I have way too many stuffed animals. I live with my wonderful family and grumpy old yorkie. I have an amazing boyfriend and he is just too sweet and too fun! I love my friends and I like to hang out a lot and my favorite thing to do is get frozen yogurt! Strawberry Kiwi is the business. I'm pretty much a normal teenager just living life one day at a time.

It'll be really interesting to see where this all goes, and hopefully I can help some of you guys out! Bear with me and I hope it'll be a fun ride!! cute pixel photo:  tumblr_lj3z6jkluI1qcfn0j.gif

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